Chee Lam Design
Working closely with the client, and collaboratively with Hundredweight who created the brand’s identity “Hook Line & Sinker”, the brand’s personality was captured by the keywords: honest, approachable, premium and distinct. Playing on ideas of heritage, tradition and a dedication to quality, our interiors concept and palette explores nautical references of fishing wharves, piers and ships to create a contemporary interior that communicates these stories within an engaging and immersive retail experience.

Located in Westfield, the tenancy is laid out with a central “street” bisecting the cooked-to-order “fish bar” from the fresh seafood counters at the corner, whilst the oyster bar occupies a kiosk directly opposite the main tenancy.  The 3 core business functions are expressed and anchored by applying a “weathered” palette of concrete, timber, steel and accents to various elements and for dramatic effect, we contrasted these against a black mirror-reflective ceiling and considered lighting design to create a visual platform that celebrates the fresh seafood on offer.
Design/Project Architect
Chee Lam Design
Andrew Worssam